Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Urban Tribes edited by Lisa Charleyboy and Mary Beth Leatherdale

Urban Tribes edited by Lisa Charleyboy and Mary Beth Leatherdale
Annick Press

Young, urban Natives powerfully show how their culture and values can survive—and enrich—city life.

Much of the popular discourse on Native Americans and Aboriginals focuses on reservation life. But the majority of Natives in North America live off the rez. How do they stay rooted to their culture? How do they connect with their community?

Urban Tribes offers unique insight into this growing and often misperceived group. Emotionally potent and visually arresting, the anthology profiles young urban Natives from across North America, exploring how they connect with Native culture and values in their contemporary lives. Their stories are as diverse as they are. From a young Dene woman pursuing a MBA at Stanford to a Pima photographer in Phoenix to a Mohawk actress in New York, these urban Natives share their unique perspectives to bridge the divide between their past and their future, their cultural home, and their adopted cities.

Unflinchingly honest and deeply moving, contributors explore a wide-range of topics. From the trials and tribulations of dating in the city to the alienating experience of leaving a remote reserve to attend high school in the city, from the mainstream success of Electric Pow wow music to the humiliation of dealing with racist school mascots, personal perspectives illuminate larger political issues. An innovative and highly visual design offers a dynamic, reading experience.


Crazy Horse’s Girlfriend by Erika T. Wurth

Crazy Horse's Girlfriend by Erika T. Wurth
Curbside Splendor

Margaritte is a sharp-tongued, drug-dealing, sixteen-year-old Native American floundering in a Colorado town crippled by poverty, unemployment, and drug abuse. She hates the burnout, futureless kids surrounding her and dreams that she and her unreliable new boyfriend can move far beyond the bright lights of Denver that float on the horizon before the daily suffocation of teen pregnancy eats her alive.


If I Ever Get Out of Here by Eric Gansworth

If I Ever Get Out of Here by Eric Gansworth
Arthur Levine

Lewis "Shoe" Blake is used to the joys and difficulties of life on the Tuscarora Indian reservation in 1975: the joking, the Fireball games, the snow blowing through his roof. What he's not used to is white people being nice to him — people like George Haddonfield, whose family recently moved to town with the Air Force. As the boys connect through their mutual passion for music, especially the Beatles, Lewis has to lie more and more to hide the reality of his family's poverty from George. He also has to deal with the vicious Evan Reininger, who makes Lewis the special target of his wrath. But when everyone else is on Evan's side, how can he be defeated? And if George finds out the truth about Lewis's home — will he still be his friend?

Acclaimed adult author Eric Gansworth makes his YA debut with this wry and powerful novel about friendship, memory, and the joy of rock 'n' roll.

Killer of Enemies and the sequel Trail of the Dead by Joseph Bruchac

Killer of Enemies and the sequel Trail of the Dead by Joseph Bruchac
Tu Books

A post-Apocalyptic YA novel with a steampunk twist, based on an Apache legend.

Years ago, seventeen-year-old Apache hunter Lozen and her family lived in a world of haves and have-nots. There were the Ones — people so augmented with technology and genetic enhancements that they were barely human — and there was everyone else who served them. Then the Cloud came, and everything changed. Tech stopped working. The world plunged back into a new steam age. The Ones' pets — genetically engineered monsters — turned on them and are now loose on the world.

Lozen was not one of the lucky ones pre-C, but fate has given her a unique set of survival skills and magical abilities. She hunts monsters for the Ones who survived the apocalyptic events of the Cloud, which ensures the safety of her kidnapped family. But with every monster she takes down, Lozen's powers grow, and she connects those powers to an ancient legend of her people. It soon becomes clear to Lozen that she is not just a hired gun. As the legendary Killer of Enemies was in the ancient days of the Apache people, Lozen is meant to be a more than a hunter. Lozen is meant to be a hero.

Dreaming in Indian: Contemporary Native American Voices

Dreaming in Indian: Contemporary Native American Voices edited by Lisa Charleyboy and Mary Beth Leatherdale
Annick Press

A powerful and visually stunning anthology from some of the most groundbreaking Native artists working in North America today.

Truly universal in its themes, "Dreaming In Indian" will shatter commonly held stereotypes and challenge readers to rethink their own place in the world. Divided into four sections, 'Roots, ' 'Battles, ' 'Medicines, ' and 'Dreamcatchers, ' this book offers readers a unique insight into a community often misunderstood and misrepresented by the mainstream media.

Emerging and established Native artists, including acclaimed author Joseph Boyden, renowned visual artist Bunky Echo Hawk, and stand-up comedian Ryan McMahon, contribute thoughtful and heartfelt pieces on their experiences growing up Indigenous, expressing them through such mediums as art, food, the written word, sport, dance, and fashion. Renowned chef Aaron Bear Robe, for example, explains how he introduces restaurant customers to his culture by reinventing traditional dishes. And in a dramatic photo spread, model Ashley Callingbull and photographer Thosh Collins reappropriate the trend of wearing 'Native' clothing.

Whether addressing the effects of residential schools, calling out bullies through personal manifestos, or simply citing hopes for the future, "Dreaming In Indian" refuses to shy away from difficult topics. Insightful, thought-provoking, and beautifully honest, this book will to appeal to young adult readers. An innovative and captivating design enhances each contribution and makes for a truly unique reading experience.

House of Purple Cedar by Tim Tingle

House of Purple Cedar by Tim Tingle
Cinco Puntos Press

"The hour has come to speak of troubled times. It is time we spoke of Skullyville." Thus begins Rose Goode's story of her growing up in Indian Territory in pre-statehood Oklahoma. Skullyville, a once-thriving Choctaw community, was destroyed by land-grabbers, culminating in the arson on New Year's Eve, 1896, of New Hope Academy for Girls. Twenty Choctaw girls died, but Rose escaped. She is blessed by the presence of her grandmother Pokoni and her grandfather Amafo, both respected elders who understand the old ways. Soon after the fire, the white sheriff beats Amafo in front of the town's people, humiliating him. Instead of asking the Choctaw community to avenge the beating, her grandfather decides to follow the path of forgiveness. And so unwinds this tale of mystery, Indian-style magical realism, and deep wisdom. It's a world where backwoods spiritualism and Bible-thumping Christianity mix with bad guys; a one-legged woman shop-keeper, her oaf of a husband, herbal potions, and shape-shifting panthers rendering justice. Tim Tingle—a scholar of his nation's language, culture, and spirituality—tells Rose's story of good and evil with understanding and even laugh-out-loud Choctaw humor.  — Cover images and summaries via Goodreads


Thursday, 5 November 2015

Pisim Finds Her Miskanow.

M . . . . Volume XX Number 40. . . .June 13, 2014
coverPisim Finds Her Miskanow.
William Dumas. Illustrated by Leonard Paul.
Winnipeg, MB: Highwater Press/Portage & Main Press, 2013.
48 pp., hardcover & pdf, $29.00 (hc.).
ISBN 978-55379-394-6 (hc.), ISBN 978-55379-395-3 (pdf).

Subject Headings:
Cree Indians-Manitoba-Southern Interlake Region-History-Juvenile fiction.
Cree Indians-Manitoba-Southern Interlake Region-History-Juvenile literature.

Grades 4-8 / Ages 9-13.

Review by Gail de Vos.

***½ /4
Then he [Wapistan*, the travelling storyteller] told of the stories in the wind that had been travelling around the camps about strange, hairy-faced men who had been sighted at the mouth of the Missinipi**. Wapistan would talk to Mahikanawasis***, the chief of all the minisiwina****, at the Spring Gathering. It was important that he confirm the stories for the people. "What stories have you heard about our camp?" asked Nocokisiw*****. "It is told that one of the Bear women had a hard delivery this winter at Minahikosakahikanihk, Pine Lake. They say Nocokisiw and Pisim walked through the night to help a difficult birth into our world safely." Pisim dropped her eyes. She was Nocokisiw's Observer. She was young, but – maybe—she was on her way to becoming a midwife. That night Pisim went to sleep comfortably in the mikiwap******, the dwelling she shared with her family. (no pagination) Note: The following translations were found in the two-page Cree Glossary at the conclusion of the book. The names are also explained throughout the story in various side bars. * marten ** Big Water ***wolf child **** family *****old lady ****** a birchbark dwelling with a rounded roof

The story of the young girl, Pisim, is a fictionalized account that had its genesis in the discovery of the remains of a young Cree woman at Nagami Bay, South Indian Lake, Manitoba in 1993. In recreating and interpreting a week of the life of this young woman in the mid-1600s, author William Dumas, a Cree Elder, and illustrator Leonard Paul, Mi'kmaq, effectively bring to life the people and setting of that time. The fictionalized narrative is supplemented with illuminating sidebars on Cree language, culture, history as well as the maps and information on the travel routes undertaken by the various characters to the Spring Gathering during the time frame of the story. Source notes and background for the project are provided in the "Introduction" and in the large listing of contributors provided along with the publication information following the glossary.
internal art     The advent of the arrival of the storyteller sets the tone of the story as well as the beginning of the physical and psychological journey for the 13-year-old Pisim who is wondering if becoming a midwife is the correct path for her to follow. Her family packs up their belongings to follow the annual series of journeys to the Spring Gathering. As the days and adventures pass, more and more canoes join the convoy, bringing more stories, songs and laughter to the families. The trip is not without danger, however, as Pisim and her younger brother are caught in a severe rain storm while paddling on the river. Safely reaching shore propels her into another adventure when her aunt goes into labour. Without the benefit of her midwife teacher, Pisim successfully delivers the baby and understands that her proposed path is indeed the one that she should follow. The episodic story offers background information, excitement and adventure and is warm and satisfying. This reviewer, however, found the supplementary material to overshadow the story but appreciated the total package. Evocative landscapes and portraits bathed in washes of golds, browns and greens splash over the pages in various sizes and shapes, contributing to the reader's insight and understanding of the historical era and setting.
      Pisim Finds Her Miskanow is a must addition for all collections of First Nations material in elementary, middle school and junior high libraries as well as public libraries.
Highly Recommended.
Gail de Vos teaches at the School of Library and Information Studies for the University of Alberta and San Jose State University. She is the author of nine books on storytelling and folklore.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Birthing the Stories of Kayasochi Kikawenow page - CRYTC

Otinawāsowin: Birthing the Stories of Kayasochi Kikawenow

CRYTC Members: Mavis ReimerDeborah Schnitzer, and Larissa Wodtke

Leonard Paul illustration of Pipon waking the camp for Piisim Finds Her Miskanow

From 2008 to 2013, the Centre for Research in Young People's Texts and Cultures managed the development of a picture book for young people about the life of Kayasochi Kikawenow, Our Mother from Long Ago, a young Cree woman who lived in northern Manitoba in the late-seventeenth century and whose burial site was discovered in 1993. Mavis Reimer and Deborah Schnitzer, scholars from the Centre, worked in collaboration with William Dumas, storyteller and educator, and a group of scholars and educators from the University of Winnipeg, theManitoba Museum, and the Government of Manitoba. In addition, this collaborative group consulted with several land-based members of the South Indian Lake community regarding mapping, traditional cultural activities, language, and land use. This picture book, entitled Pīsim Finds Her Miskanow and illustrated by Leonard Paul, is now available through Highwater PressPisim Finds Her Miskanow coverOn the edges of the words and pictures of the story, readers will find supplementary material -- photographs, maps, diagrams, Cree vocabulary -- to help them to situate and to extend the meanings of the story.

This project was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Marsha Hanen Global Dialogue and Ethics Program, the University of Winnipeg Research Office, and the Canada Research Chair in Young People's Texts and Cultures.

Awards and Recognition

Pīsim Finds Her Miskanow won the 2014 Public Communications Award from the Canadian Archaeological Association, and was shortlisted for the 2014 McNally Robinson Book for Young People Award (Older Category), the 2014 Manuela Dias Book Design of the Year, and the 2014 Lillian Shepherd Award for Excellence in Illustration. Pīsim was also recommended as one of the 2014-15 titles for the First Nation Communities Read program supported by the Southern Ontario Library Service.

Teaching Resources for Pīsim Finds Her Miskanow

CRYTC has assembled various teaching resources for using Pīsim Finds Her Miskanow in the classroom, including a draft teacher's guide.

Reviews for Pīsim Finds Her Miskanow:

The story of the young girl, Pisim, is a fictionalized account that had its genesis in the discovery of the remains of a young Cree woman at Nagami Bay, South Indian Lake, Manitoba in 1993. In recreating and interpreting a week of the life of this young woman in the mid-1600s, author William Dumas, a Cree Elder, and illustrator Leonard Paul, Mi'kmaq, effectively bring to life the people and setting of that time. . . . The episodic story offers background information, excitement and adventure and is warm and satisfying. . . . Pisim Finds Her Miskanow is a must addition for all collections of First Nations material in elementary, middle school and junior high libraries as well as public libraries.
Canadian Review of Materials

The brilliant teamwork between archaeologists, the Cree, and an accomplished storyteller gives us ... a beautifully written and illustrated journey into a centuries-old world ... the book promises to be a classic of Canadian history.
— Brian Fagan, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara, and author of The First North Americans

In imagining the life of a young Cree woman, this volume provides a wonderful evocation of the wisdom and language of Cree elders that seamlessly incorporates archaeology, ethnology, and oral tradition.
— Stephen Loring, Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

This enchanting book deserves a place in every school in the province. It is a beautiful rendition of historical fiction that can give all young people a collective understanding of the power of our history in shaping who we are.
— Dr. Lloyd Axworthy, UWinnipeg President and Vice-Chancellor

This rich story ... brings alive the history and language of Asiniskow Ithiniwak in Manitowapow while illustrating the cultural breadth of a dynamic community. It is a joy to read, teach, and share with my daughter.
— Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Native Studies, University of Manitoba

Pīsim finds her Miskanow . . . is a wonderful bringing together of archeology, anthropology, history, and Cree language to make a story that brings these disciplines to a living place in our hearts and minds. William Dumas has presented Pisim and her family in such a way that their lives will be etched into our memory. The story is complemented by the beautiful and realistic illustrations of Leonard Paul. . . . This book is wonderful!
— Joe McLellan, Author of Nanabosho

Media Attention for Pīsim Finds Her Miskanow:

Award-winning book a look back into Northern Manitoba's pastThompson Citizen

UWinnipeg Congratulates Pisim Finds Her Miskanow Collaborators on Award, UW News Centre

Children's Book About Manitoba Discovery Wins Archaeology Award, Mytoba.ca

Final Episode of 2013!, The Frank and Kevin Show Podcast

Book inspired by discovery of remainsThe Winnipeg Free Press

Art, History Tell Story of Cree Woman in New Book, ChrisD.ca


Tuesday, 20 October 2015

People of the World Plains Indians

Author: Anne Smith

Title: People of the World Plains Indians

Table of contents:

Chapter 1 – The dog days pg.8

Before the horse             pg.8

The hunters                       pg.10

Battles on foot                  pg.12

Indian Camps                     pg.14

Medicine men                   pg.16

Chapter 2 – The white men come pg.18

The horses                          pg.18

Riding horses                     pg.20

Little big horn                    pg.22

Wounded knee                                pg.24

The mounties                    pg.26

Indians in Canada             pg.28

Chapter 3 – The saddest years pg.30

Losing their land               pg.30

Wild-west shows             pg.32

Chapter 4 – The Plains Indians today pg.34

A better life?                     pg.34

Red power                          pg.36

Indians Today                    pg.38

Reservations                      pg.40

Canadian Indians              pg.42

Chapter 5 – The future for the Indians pg.44

Glossary                               pg.46

Index                                    pg.47

Summary: This book talks about all the Plains Cree Indian tribes throughout North America. It starts off on how Indians had dogs instead of horses to help without with making things and hunting. Once settlers from Spain came over to their land they brought horses with them, and eventually the horses got away and in the hands of the Indians. Once the Indians found how useful they are they started stealing them for their advantage. They had their own camps and the medicine men were the most important people of the camps. It talks about the war that lasted 36 years over a cow, and also the plains had their last great victory in 1876 in Little Big Horn. After the plains war ended in 1890 at Wounded Knee the Mounties came up. After losing their land the saddest years of their lives began. They were tricked into selling their land and introduced to whiskey. It ends with how Indians live today, many still live in their reservations.

How is this different or similar to Maskwacis Plains Cree?

This book is similar to Maskwacis Plains Cree as it is based on what happened to the Maskwacis Cree people as well as many other Plains Cree People.


Student CO

Inventing the Savage

Author:  Luana Ross


Tiltle:   Inventing the Savage


Table of Contents/Outline:

Acknowledgements                                                                                                       ix

Introduction                                                                                                                      I

PART I                   Colonization and the Social Construction of Deviance                                    9

One                       World Collide: New Worlds, New Indians                                                            11

Two                       Racializing Montana: The Creation of "Bad Indians" Continues                  34

PART II       Creating Dangerous Woman: Narratives of Imprisoned Native

 American and White Woman                                                                                   73

Three                    Prisoner Profile: Past & Present                                                                                               75

Four                       Lives Dictated by Violence                                                                                          92

Five                       Experiences of Woman in Prison: "They Keep Me at a Level Where

They can Control Me"                                                                                                    108

Six                          Rehabilitation or Control: "What are they trying to do? Destroy me?"    127

Seven                   Prison Subculture: "It's all a game it doesn't make sense to me?"            152

Eight                      Motherhood Imprisoned: Images and concerns of imprisoned

 mothers                                                                                                                              178

Nine                      Double Punishment: Weak Institutional Support for

Imprisoned Mothers                                                                                                      192        



This book is based on the Native American criminalizing on a racial and colonized approach. Many of the Native American Woman are facing abuse and violence prior to their imprisonment and usually create them to become incarcerated.  They experience racism and cultural shock while in prison and face abuse and violence with their "rehabilitation" process of the prisons. Many women bare their children in the prison systems and there are concerns of stability for the family, the child, etc. They usually have child services and adoption in place for the imprisoned mothers.  Many of the woman were wrongly convicted, which was a part our colonialism in history as well.


How is this similar or different for the Maskwacis Plains Cree?

I believe we are still looked upon as criminals and are targeted by the RCMP here in Canada. It's not only in Maskwascis where we face the same stereotype.

Many of our people in Maskwacis are incarcerated due to the colonial times of the residential effect.  Many of our aboriginal people have not healed from this genocide and are looked upon as the "Bad Indian", the "Drunken Indian".  We all across the North America have the same stories and history of the brutality of the government.


Student PG



Native Religions

Author:  Ake Hultkrantz

Title:  Native Religions

Table of contents/outline:

Chronology of Native American Culture and Religion  3

Chapter I. Introduction to Native American Religions 9

                The Diversity and Richness of American Indian      Religions 9

                Ethnic and Religions Origins                             11

                The Formation of Religious Traditions           15


Chapter II. Native American Religions: An Overview      20

                Worldview 21

                Cosmic Harmony 27

                Powers and Visions 29

                The Cycles of Life and Death 32

Chapter III. The Religion of the Wind River Shoshoni:

Hunting, Power, and Visions 37

                    The Development of Shoshoni Culture and Religion  38

                    The Structure of Shoshoni Culture Religion: Spirits, Religion 42

                     The Dynamics of Shoshoni Religions: Rituals of Human Change, the Sun Dance, and Curing 62

                     New Religion Approaches 82

Chapter IV.  The Religion of Zuni: Farming, Masked Dancers, and the Power of Fertility 87

                       The Development of Zuni Religions: Emergence from the Earth and the Reemergence of the Spirits 91

                        The Dynamics of Zuni Religion: Harmony with the Cosmos through Collective Ritual 108

                         Zuni Religion Today 125

Chapter V. Conclusion: Unity and Diversity in Native American Religions 128

Notes 133

Glossary 137

Selected Reading List 143








The "Spirituality" which overly looks our spirituality, in its religions I do not take very lightly can dignify in which in the ways of our life, our ancestors. To me it briefly describes or under any all circumstances dignify, in which it persuades us to acknowledge how our ancestry goes as well. In its communications I did not read it as well and cannot justify into its persuasions and chronologically into its read. However it may be defined as a good over all book and intensely amazing.



To the given facts as to up above and its contents it looks amazingly well written and in form formats. Its consistency into however he may displease us does however condemningly he charges us for what reasons? I can condemn them to rot in hell or take place in a grand sanctuary and there is even no religions within its prosperity. 

Picked by student D.

Interpretations of Native North American Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory

1.   Author/Editor: Michael  S. Nassaney and Eric S. Johnson

2.   Title: Interpretations of Native North American  Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory

3.   Table of contents/outline

     Part I. Ethnogenesis; The Creation, Maintenance, and Transformation of Ethnic Identity

Part II. Change and Continuity in Daily Life

Part III. Ritual, Inconography, and Ideology

4.   Summary: The diversity of ethnic identity, ritual and history shared through their work reflecting the development of interrelations. Material Culture is an important contribution (made from what the world has to offer) from the Native Americans.  Social identities and belief systems are encoded in the material symbols that they employed to create and recreate the cultural systems of everyday life.

5.   How is this similar or different for the Maskwacis Plains Cree

Cree culture is different from the Lakota Sioux, reason being Cree history is oral, and Lakota is painted or sewn on a material, such as, a dress or cloth. The Lakota wear their history as the Cree people share their history through story telling. Each story having a different term of history and meaning. 

Student CM,October 20, 2015 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Stolen Lands, Broken Promises

Stolen Lands, Broken Promises
Researching the Indian Land Question in British Columbia (Second Edition)

Stolen Lands, Broken Promises is intended as a practical, hands-on resource for Indigenous community members wanting to conduct research on a variety of issues affecting traditional territory and reserve lands in British Columbia.  It is designed to guide researchers through the processes of planning and successfully completing lands-related research projects that have a strong historical component. 

To download the entire manual, click here (40MB). However, the manual is very large and we recommend that you download the chapters you need by following the links in the Table of Contents.

A limited number of print copies are available, for a cost of $25 and shipping.  See complete details on the order form.

Important note: In June 2005, the provincial government announced changes to certain ministries. The changes mainly affect the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, the Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection, and the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal, and Women's Services. We will update the manual once the consequences of these changes become clear.

Table Of Contents

Foreword by Chief Stewart Phillip 
List of Acronyms

Research Foundations

Chapter 1 : Dispossession and Resistance in British Columbia 
Chapter 2 : Research Methods 
Chapter 3 : Resource Institutions 
Chapter 4 : Documents 
Chapter 5 : Basic Reserve Research

Approaches to Research

Chapter 6 : Oral History
Chapter 7 : Genealogy Resources
Chapter 8 : Athropology Resources
Chapter 9 : Archaeology Resources
Chapter 10 : Maps and Surveys
Chapter 11 : Legal Resources

Topics in Land Rights Research

Chapter 12 : Village Sites and Burial Grounds
Chapter 13 : Fisheries and Fishing Rights
Chapter 14 : Hunting and Trapping
Chapter 15 : Pre-Confederation Reserves
Chapter 16 : Reserves Held in Common, Commonages and Grazing Reserves
Chapter 17 : Surrenders
Chapter 18 : Mineral and Timber Extraction
Chapter 19 : Water, Riparian, and Foreshore Rights
Chapter 20 : Accretions and Erosions
Chapter 21 : Rights-of-Way
Chapter 22 : Treaty Land Entitlement


Appendix 1 : Citation Examples
Appendix 2 : Disclosure of Personal Information 8(2)(k) Form
Appendix 3 : Freedom of Information Request Form
Appendix 4 : Online Resources


Read more: Stolen Lands, Broken Promises 

Friday, 9 October 2015

Experiences of girls entering secondary education in Gujarat, India

A Population Council report examines the experiences of girls entering secondary education in Gujarat, India, with a focus on the lack of supportive family, school, and community environments. The report finds that poor academic performance is linked to teacher absenteeism, requirements that girls work in the home, and low aspirations and expectations for girls' education among the girls and their families. 

  - See more at: https://www.macfound.org/press/publications/community-family-support-critical-girls-education/#sthash.T3tX1a12.dpuf


Friday, 2 October 2015

Outside circle by LaBoucane-Benson, Patti (Book, Graphic Novel)

Title: The outside circle

Author:  LaBoucane-Benson, Patti

Pubisher: House of Anasi Press, 2015

ISBN: 9781770899377 (softcover)



In this important graphic novel, two Aboriginal brothers -- both gang members surrounded by poverty and drug abuse, try to overcome centuries of historic trauma in very different ways to bring about positive change in their live. Pete, a young Aboriginal man wrapped up in gang violence, lives with his younger brother, Joey, and his mother who is a heroin addict.  After returning home one evening, Pete and his mother's boyfriend, Dennis get into a violent struggle, which send Dennis to the morgue and Pete to jail.  Initially maintain his gang ties, a jail brawl forces Pete to realize the negative influence he has become on Joey and encourages him to begin a process of rehabilitation through a traditional  healing circle.  Powerful, courageous and deeply moving, The Outside Circle is drawn from the author's twenty years of work and research on healing and reconciliation of Aboriginal men who are gang-affiliated or incarcerated.

Monday, 24 August 2015

The structure of Aboriginal child welfare in Canada

The structure of Aboriginal child welfare in Canada

Authors: Sinha, Vandna and Kozlowski, Anna

Year of Publication: 2013



Note: Contains statistical tables


The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 4(2), pages 1-21.


"Aboriginal children are currently overrepresented in out-of-home care in Canada; this extends a historical pattern of child removal that began with the residential school system. The overrepresentation of Aboriginal children persists despite legislative and structural changes intended to reduce the number of Aboriginal children in care. Several recent developments suggest potential for improvement in services for Aboriginal children and families in the near future. However, greater information about the structure of Aboriginal child welfare in Canada is needed to support program and policy development. We present a broad overview of the variation in Aboriginal child welfare legislation and standards, service delivery models, and funding formulas across Canadian provinces and territories. We draw on this review to suggest specific priorities for future research."

Sinha & Kozlowski (2013, p. 1)



Child Welfare Services In Canada: Aboriginal & Mainstream

Child Welfare Services In Canada: Aboriginal & Mainstream

This movement goes hand in hand with the broader movement towards self-government, especially because the issues driving family difficulties in Aboriginal communities are systemic. They require a multi-dimensional community-based response, extending beyond individual child welfare agencies, to address economic development and holistic inter-generational healing (Blackstock et al., 2005). Child Welfare Services In Canada: Aboriginal & Mainstream http://www.nccah-ccnsa.ca/docs/fact%20sheets/child%20and%20youth/NCCAH-fs-ChildWelServCDA-2EN.pdf



The extension of provincial child welfare jurisdiction on reserve was viewed as yet another attempt at cultural genocide, which continues to contribute to the destruction of Aboriginal cultures (Giesbrecht, 1992; Hudson and McKenzie, 1985). Many First Nations leaders point out that in the absence of specific federal legislation, it does not give provinces rights over their people. In the meantime, First Nations governments and  their child welfare agencies have reluctantly accepted to implement provincial child welfare legislation. Provincial jurisdiction, for the time being, is accepted as an interim arrangement until such time as specific First Nations legislation is developed and enacted by First Nations through the self-government process.


SHARING THEIR STORIES: Narratives of Young Métis Parents and Elders about Parenting Catherine Graham and Tanya Davoren

SHARING THEIR STORIES: Narratives of Young Métis Parents and Elders about Parenting Catherine Graham and Tanya Davoren

Being Métis is not simply a matter of being of mixed First Nations and European heritage. Métis are a distinct people with a shared history dating back to the 18th century when the fur trade began its move towards the central western parts of North America, at which time fur traders and 'Indian' women entered into relationships with each other. As the offspring of these relationships grew up, they began to marry each other and settle into their own communities along fur trade route – around the Great Lakes, throughout the Prairie Provinces, and up to the Mackenzie River into what is now known as the Northwest Territories. The Métis within these communities had their own "unique culture, traditions, language (Michif), and way of life, collective consciousness and nationhood" (Métis National Council, n.d.). Over the course of history, the Métis have often been referred to as the 'forgotten people.' Métis were reduced to a position of irrelevance within the fabric of Canadian society. They were denied full membership in mainstream society because they were Aboriginal, and were also denied status as Indians under the Indian Act. Politically powerless, denied education because they did not pay taxes on their 'road allowance'3 homes, and forcibly kept away from the reserves, the Métis became increasingly marginalized (Shore, n.d., p. 1). The Métis Nation has had to fight tirelessly for the recognition of their rights. In 1982, Métis rights were entrenched in Section 35 of the Constitution Act, although these rights still remain largely undefined. The exception to this is the recognition of harvesting rights that were affirmed in the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in R v. Powley. In their summary of the case, Pape and Salter Barristers and Solicitors (n.d.) state that in addition to affirming harvesting rights, the court also affirmed that the term 'Métis' did not apply to all persons of mixed European and 'Indian' ancestry. It also set out three broad criteria for identifying rights holders under Section 35. These are: 3 Road allowance refers to the ditches on the side of roads where Métis who had no land of their own often built their homes. This is why Métis were sometimes referred to as the Road Allowance People. 4 It is not clear how many of those who self-identified as Métis in the Census would also qualify as possessing Aboriginal rights under Section 35. ∙ Self-Identification, meaning that the individual must self-identify as a member of a Métis community and have an ongoing connection to that community; ∙ Ancestral Connection, meaning that the individual must be able to prove that they have an ancestral connection to a historic Métis community; and ∙ Community Acceptance, meaning that a modern Métis community must accept the individual. That is, "[t]here must be proof of a solid bond of past and present mutual identification between the person and the other members of the Métis community" (p. 5)

Friday, 21 August 2015

The Plains Cree: Trade, Diplomacy and War, 1790 to 1870 by John S. Milloy

The Plains Cree: Trade, Diplomacy and War, 1790 to 1870 by John S. Milloy

The story of the Plains Cree begins in the late seventeenth century with the establishment of the Hudson's Bay Company bayside trading posts on the borders of Cree territory. As middlemen in the trade, the Cree moved through the northern woodlands into western parkland and plains around the Saskatchewan River and Red River. By 1790, the Cree were well established as a nation of the plains. But far from being the warring raiders of myth, the Plains Cree and other native plains peoples developed a set of well-structured, intertribal relationships that ensured their security and enabled them to acquire some of the goods necessary to meet the challenges of existence.

John Milloy presents the first economic, military and diplomatic history of the Plains Cree from contact with the Europeans in the 1670s to the disappearance of the buffalo from Cree lands by the 1870s, focusing on reconstructing the military and trade chronology between 1790 and 1870. He describes three distinct eras, each characterized by a paramount motive for war – the wars of migration and territory which set the western economic and military stage upon  which the emerging Plains Cree nation would play out its existence, the horse wars during the "golden years" of plains Indian life, and the buffalo wars which mark the trail to the reserves.

Intimately related to each era was a particular trade pattern and a military system that linked the Cree with other plains tribes and with non-natives. By tracing these themes, Milloy charts the ability of the Cree to serve their economic alliances or undertaking military or diplomatic offensives.

With his new "historical topography" of western Canada, Milloy has established important new perspectives on the nineteenth-century prairie West.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

A National Crime: The Canadian Government and the by John S. Milloy

A National Crime: The Canadian Government and the by John S. Milloy

John S Milloy is professor of history and Native studies at Trent University. He has written extensively on Aboriginal history and frequently acts as a consultant on Aboriginal issues. A National Crime is based on his research for the 1996 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

For over 100 years, thousands of Aboriginal children passed through the Canadian residential school system. Begun in the 1870s, it was intended, in the words of government officials, to bring these children into the "circle of civilization." The results, however, were far different. More often, the schools provided an inferior education in an atmosphere of neglect, disease, and often abuse.

Using previously unreleased government documents, historian John S. Milloy provides a full picture of the history and the reality of the residential school system. He begins by tracing the ideological roots of the system and follows the paper trail of internal memoranda, reports from field inspectors, and letters of complaint. A National Crime shows that the residential school system was chronically underfunded and often mismanaged, and documents in detail how this affected the health, education, and well-being of entire generations of Aboriginal children.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

10 Best Shakespear Stories Ever! by Terry Deary

shrew shocker! Ten dead in Denmark lear today, gone tomorrow... Malvolio's night of madness! Tempestuous times for Miranda The menace of Venice... Midsummer mix-ups and magic Ceasar's spirit takes Revenge Big Mac and the tartan TERRORS! Lovers play dead in a balcony belter - Preston

This is your invitation to come and pick up your own FREE copy of this book from the Maskwacis Library before July 29, 2015.

42: The True Story Of Jackie Robinson brought to you by Maskwacis Cultural College


42: The True story Of Jackie Robinson

Brian Helgeland

This is about Jackie Robinson the first ever African-American to ever play on a Major League Baseball team Jackie Robinson played for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 it was a huge step up for him even when he knew there would be a lot of racism this book shows what he had to go through and how he managed to control himself through all the insults from other teams, the fans, and even his own team.

This is an invitation to come and pick up your own copy of this book at the Maskwacis Cultural College before July 29, 2015 from Ethan 

The Man Who Made Us; The life and Times of John A. Macdonald by Richard Gwyn

"In a lively but thorough biography of John A. Macdonald up to the day of Confederation in 1867, Richard Gwyn brings to life the young Scottish-born lawyer who found himself unexpectedly entering politics in Kingston in 1844. Gwyn writes from a twenty-first century perspective while painting for his readers a vivid image of the nineteenth century Canada: its society, custom, characters and politics. Gwyn helps us understand Macdonald's genius and vision, which would shape the nation that grew to the north of the United States." -Preston

This is your invitation to come and pick up your own FREE copy of this book from the Maskwacis Library before July 29, 2015.

Desmond Pucket Makes Monster Magic

Desmond Pucket Makes Monster Magic 

Author Mark Tatulli 

Desmon Pucket likes to pull "scary monster" pranks on students in the school or sometimes in the school and its putting all his fun activities to risk so he needs to clean up his act and still stay true to who he is to get his privileges back. 

This is your invitation to come and pick up your own FREE copy of this book from the Maskwacis Library before July, 29, 2015 

July 23, 2015

Hockey Greats by mike Leonetti brought to you by Maskwacis Cultural College

Hockey Greats

Mike Leonetti

This interesting book tells us about three of many great hockey players Wayne Gretzky, Jean Beliveau, Vincent Lecavalier also known as "The greats" from when their first pair of skates to the moments they held the Stanley cup over their head it also features their statistics overall the years they have played in the NHL.

This is an invation to come and pick up your own copy of this book at the Maskwacis Cultural College before July 29, 2015 from Ethan

Possessing Genius The bizarre odyssey of Einstein's Brain by Carolyn Abraham

Secrets could be hard to keep in a small town like Princeton. On April 19, 1955, Mrs. Schafer asked a fifth-grader at Valley Road School if they had anything to contribute for current events. A small girl sitting near the front shot her hand in the air. "Einstein died," Katrina mason blurted out, proud to be the bearer of such momentous news. Yet she had no sooner spit the words from her lips when the voice of an otherwise quiet boy carried from the back of the room: "My dad's got his brain." -Preston 

This is your invitation to come and pick up your own FREE copy of this book from the Maskwacis Library before July 29, 2015.

The Best Ghost Stories Ever

The Best Ghost Stories Ever 

Edited by Christopher Krovatin 

These are some of the spookiest ghost stories ever written, from authors including Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bram, Stoker and Henry James. 

This is your free invitation to come and pick up your own FREE copy of this book from the Maskwacis Library before July 29, 2015

Dive by Gordon Korman brought to you by Maskwacis Cultural College


Gordon Korman

In this adventures book four divers Kaz, Dante, Adriana, and star are on a mission to find a priceless amount of gold that sank with a British vessel named the Griffin centuries ago but they soon find out that they wont be able to trust anybody including themselves.

This is an invitation to come and pick up your own copy of this book at Maskwacis Cultural College before July 29, 2015


Goosebumps Horroland by R.L. Stine brought to you by Maskwacis Cultural college

Goosebumps Horrorland

R.L. Stine 

You want a book that gives you goosebumps well this book just might as Jillian and Jackson can suddenly read peoples thoughts but the mind reading game soon turns to terror as the two are stalked by a strange scientist who wants to know whats on they're minds these once ordinary twins may not live such a normal life anymore.

This is an invitation to come and pick up your own copy of this book at Maskwacis Cultural College before July 29, 2015