Author: Anne Smith
Title: People of the World Plains Indians
Table of contents:
Chapter 1 – The dog days pg.8
Before the horse pg.8
The hunters pg.10
Battles on foot pg.12
Indian Camps pg.14
Medicine men pg.16
Chapter 2 – The white men come pg.18
The horses pg.18
Riding horses pg.20
Little big horn pg.22
Wounded knee pg.24
The mounties pg.26
Indians in Canada pg.28
Chapter 3 – The saddest years pg.30
Losing their land pg.30
Wild-west shows pg.32
Chapter 4 – The Plains Indians today pg.34
A better life? pg.34
Red power pg.36
Indians Today pg.38
Reservations pg.40
Canadian Indians pg.42
Chapter 5 – The future for the Indians pg.44
Glossary pg.46
Index pg.47
Summary: This book talks about all the Plains Cree Indian tribes throughout North America. It starts off on how Indians had dogs instead of horses to help without with making things and hunting. Once settlers from Spain came over to their land they brought horses with them, and eventually the horses got away and in the hands of the Indians. Once the Indians found how useful they are they started stealing them for their advantage. They had their own camps and the medicine men were the most important people of the camps. It talks about the war that lasted 36 years over a cow, and also the plains had their last great victory in 1876 in Little Big Horn. After the plains war ended in 1890 at Wounded Knee the Mounties came up. After losing their land the saddest years of their lives began. They were tricked into selling their land and introduced to whiskey. It ends with how Indians live today, many still live in their reservations.
How is this different or similar to Maskwacis Plains Cree?
This book is similar to Maskwacis Plains Cree as it is based on what happened to the Maskwacis Cree people as well as many other Plains Cree People.
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