Tuesday, 20 October 2015

People of the World Plains Indians

Author: Anne Smith

Title: People of the World Plains Indians

Table of contents:

Chapter 1 – The dog days pg.8

Before the horse             pg.8

The hunters                       pg.10

Battles on foot                  pg.12

Indian Camps                     pg.14

Medicine men                   pg.16

Chapter 2 – The white men come pg.18

The horses                          pg.18

Riding horses                     pg.20

Little big horn                    pg.22

Wounded knee                                pg.24

The mounties                    pg.26

Indians in Canada             pg.28

Chapter 3 – The saddest years pg.30

Losing their land               pg.30

Wild-west shows             pg.32

Chapter 4 – The Plains Indians today pg.34

A better life?                     pg.34

Red power                          pg.36

Indians Today                    pg.38

Reservations                      pg.40

Canadian Indians              pg.42

Chapter 5 – The future for the Indians pg.44

Glossary                               pg.46

Index                                    pg.47

Summary: This book talks about all the Plains Cree Indian tribes throughout North America. It starts off on how Indians had dogs instead of horses to help without with making things and hunting. Once settlers from Spain came over to their land they brought horses with them, and eventually the horses got away and in the hands of the Indians. Once the Indians found how useful they are they started stealing them for their advantage. They had their own camps and the medicine men were the most important people of the camps. It talks about the war that lasted 36 years over a cow, and also the plains had their last great victory in 1876 in Little Big Horn. After the plains war ended in 1890 at Wounded Knee the Mounties came up. After losing their land the saddest years of their lives began. They were tricked into selling their land and introduced to whiskey. It ends with how Indians live today, many still live in their reservations.

How is this different or similar to Maskwacis Plains Cree?

This book is similar to Maskwacis Plains Cree as it is based on what happened to the Maskwacis Cree people as well as many other Plains Cree People.


Student CO

Inventing the Savage

Author:  Luana Ross


Tiltle:   Inventing the Savage


Table of Contents/Outline:

Acknowledgements                                                                                                       ix

Introduction                                                                                                                      I

PART I                   Colonization and the Social Construction of Deviance                                    9

One                       World Collide: New Worlds, New Indians                                                            11

Two                       Racializing Montana: The Creation of "Bad Indians" Continues                  34

PART II       Creating Dangerous Woman: Narratives of Imprisoned Native

 American and White Woman                                                                                   73

Three                    Prisoner Profile: Past & Present                                                                                               75

Four                       Lives Dictated by Violence                                                                                          92

Five                       Experiences of Woman in Prison: "They Keep Me at a Level Where

They can Control Me"                                                                                                    108

Six                          Rehabilitation or Control: "What are they trying to do? Destroy me?"    127

Seven                   Prison Subculture: "It's all a game it doesn't make sense to me?"            152

Eight                      Motherhood Imprisoned: Images and concerns of imprisoned

 mothers                                                                                                                              178

Nine                      Double Punishment: Weak Institutional Support for

Imprisoned Mothers                                                                                                      192        



This book is based on the Native American criminalizing on a racial and colonized approach. Many of the Native American Woman are facing abuse and violence prior to their imprisonment and usually create them to become incarcerated.  They experience racism and cultural shock while in prison and face abuse and violence with their "rehabilitation" process of the prisons. Many women bare their children in the prison systems and there are concerns of stability for the family, the child, etc. They usually have child services and adoption in place for the imprisoned mothers.  Many of the woman were wrongly convicted, which was a part our colonialism in history as well.


How is this similar or different for the Maskwacis Plains Cree?

I believe we are still looked upon as criminals and are targeted by the RCMP here in Canada. It's not only in Maskwascis where we face the same stereotype.

Many of our people in Maskwacis are incarcerated due to the colonial times of the residential effect.  Many of our aboriginal people have not healed from this genocide and are looked upon as the "Bad Indian", the "Drunken Indian".  We all across the North America have the same stories and history of the brutality of the government.


Student PG



Native Religions

Author:  Ake Hultkrantz

Title:  Native Religions

Table of contents/outline:

Chronology of Native American Culture and Religion  3

Chapter I. Introduction to Native American Religions 9

                The Diversity and Richness of American Indian      Religions 9

                Ethnic and Religions Origins                             11

                The Formation of Religious Traditions           15


Chapter II. Native American Religions: An Overview      20

                Worldview 21

                Cosmic Harmony 27

                Powers and Visions 29

                The Cycles of Life and Death 32

Chapter III. The Religion of the Wind River Shoshoni:

Hunting, Power, and Visions 37

                    The Development of Shoshoni Culture and Religion  38

                    The Structure of Shoshoni Culture Religion: Spirits, Religion 42

                     The Dynamics of Shoshoni Religions: Rituals of Human Change, the Sun Dance, and Curing 62

                     New Religion Approaches 82

Chapter IV.  The Religion of Zuni: Farming, Masked Dancers, and the Power of Fertility 87

                       The Development of Zuni Religions: Emergence from the Earth and the Reemergence of the Spirits 91

                        The Dynamics of Zuni Religion: Harmony with the Cosmos through Collective Ritual 108

                         Zuni Religion Today 125

Chapter V. Conclusion: Unity and Diversity in Native American Religions 128

Notes 133

Glossary 137

Selected Reading List 143








The "Spirituality" which overly looks our spirituality, in its religions I do not take very lightly can dignify in which in the ways of our life, our ancestors. To me it briefly describes or under any all circumstances dignify, in which it persuades us to acknowledge how our ancestry goes as well. In its communications I did not read it as well and cannot justify into its persuasions and chronologically into its read. However it may be defined as a good over all book and intensely amazing.



To the given facts as to up above and its contents it looks amazingly well written and in form formats. Its consistency into however he may displease us does however condemningly he charges us for what reasons? I can condemn them to rot in hell or take place in a grand sanctuary and there is even no religions within its prosperity. 

Picked by student D.

Interpretations of Native North American Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory

1.   Author/Editor: Michael  S. Nassaney and Eric S. Johnson

2.   Title: Interpretations of Native North American  Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory

3.   Table of contents/outline

     Part I. Ethnogenesis; The Creation, Maintenance, and Transformation of Ethnic Identity

Part II. Change and Continuity in Daily Life

Part III. Ritual, Inconography, and Ideology

4.   Summary: The diversity of ethnic identity, ritual and history shared through their work reflecting the development of interrelations. Material Culture is an important contribution (made from what the world has to offer) from the Native Americans.  Social identities and belief systems are encoded in the material symbols that they employed to create and recreate the cultural systems of everyday life.

5.   How is this similar or different for the Maskwacis Plains Cree

Cree culture is different from the Lakota Sioux, reason being Cree history is oral, and Lakota is painted or sewn on a material, such as, a dress or cloth. The Lakota wear their history as the Cree people share their history through story telling. Each story having a different term of history and meaning. 

Student CM,October 20, 2015 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Stolen Lands, Broken Promises

Stolen Lands, Broken Promises
Researching the Indian Land Question in British Columbia (Second Edition)

Stolen Lands, Broken Promises is intended as a practical, hands-on resource for Indigenous community members wanting to conduct research on a variety of issues affecting traditional territory and reserve lands in British Columbia.  It is designed to guide researchers through the processes of planning and successfully completing lands-related research projects that have a strong historical component. 

To download the entire manual, click here (40MB). However, the manual is very large and we recommend that you download the chapters you need by following the links in the Table of Contents.

A limited number of print copies are available, for a cost of $25 and shipping.  See complete details on the order form.

Important note: In June 2005, the provincial government announced changes to certain ministries. The changes mainly affect the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, the Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection, and the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal, and Women's Services. We will update the manual once the consequences of these changes become clear.

Table Of Contents

Foreword by Chief Stewart Phillip 
List of Acronyms

Research Foundations

Chapter 1 : Dispossession and Resistance in British Columbia 
Chapter 2 : Research Methods 
Chapter 3 : Resource Institutions 
Chapter 4 : Documents 
Chapter 5 : Basic Reserve Research

Approaches to Research

Chapter 6 : Oral History
Chapter 7 : Genealogy Resources
Chapter 8 : Athropology Resources
Chapter 9 : Archaeology Resources
Chapter 10 : Maps and Surveys
Chapter 11 : Legal Resources

Topics in Land Rights Research

Chapter 12 : Village Sites and Burial Grounds
Chapter 13 : Fisheries and Fishing Rights
Chapter 14 : Hunting and Trapping
Chapter 15 : Pre-Confederation Reserves
Chapter 16 : Reserves Held in Common, Commonages and Grazing Reserves
Chapter 17 : Surrenders
Chapter 18 : Mineral and Timber Extraction
Chapter 19 : Water, Riparian, and Foreshore Rights
Chapter 20 : Accretions and Erosions
Chapter 21 : Rights-of-Way
Chapter 22 : Treaty Land Entitlement


Appendix 1 : Citation Examples
Appendix 2 : Disclosure of Personal Information 8(2)(k) Form
Appendix 3 : Freedom of Information Request Form
Appendix 4 : Online Resources


Read more: Stolen Lands, Broken Promises 

Friday, 9 October 2015

Experiences of girls entering secondary education in Gujarat, India

A Population Council report examines the experiences of girls entering secondary education in Gujarat, India, with a focus on the lack of supportive family, school, and community environments. The report finds that poor academic performance is linked to teacher absenteeism, requirements that girls work in the home, and low aspirations and expectations for girls' education among the girls and their families. 

  - See more at: https://www.macfound.org/press/publications/community-family-support-critical-girls-education/#sthash.T3tX1a12.dpuf


Friday, 2 October 2015

Outside circle by LaBoucane-Benson, Patti (Book, Graphic Novel)

Title: The outside circle

Author:  LaBoucane-Benson, Patti

Pubisher: House of Anasi Press, 2015

ISBN: 9781770899377 (softcover)



In this important graphic novel, two Aboriginal brothers -- both gang members surrounded by poverty and drug abuse, try to overcome centuries of historic trauma in very different ways to bring about positive change in their live. Pete, a young Aboriginal man wrapped up in gang violence, lives with his younger brother, Joey, and his mother who is a heroin addict.  After returning home one evening, Pete and his mother's boyfriend, Dennis get into a violent struggle, which send Dennis to the morgue and Pete to jail.  Initially maintain his gang ties, a jail brawl forces Pete to realize the negative influence he has become on Joey and encourages him to begin a process of rehabilitation through a traditional  healing circle.  Powerful, courageous and deeply moving, The Outside Circle is drawn from the author's twenty years of work and research on healing and reconciliation of Aboriginal men who are gang-affiliated or incarcerated.