Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Reading in Action

To The Parent

All books on this site are read and reviewed by the library staff at Fresno County Office of Education to ensure quality and age appropriateness. Only positive reviews are published. It is our hope to foster a love of reading in the children that visit Reading in Action.

To The Teacher

We read and review the latest and award-winning titles in children's' and young adult fiction and non-fiction to assist students in their independent reading selections. Books can be searched by topic and age level for classroom use. All books are available through the Fresno County Office of Education Library.


Thursday, 23 June 2016

Indigenous children's books for health and wellness

Here is a website that does health and social issues that pertain to indigenous people.  Contact Sean Muir at sean@thehealthyaboriginal.net. The website is http://thehealthyaboriginal.net/


Tanis Petry's book Ursa's Warriors is an imaginative story written by an experienced social worker intended as a therapeutic tool for children dealing with grief and loss. At the end of the story is an art project to help the child identify his or her own strengths and reflect on how these unique qualities might help in coping with the toughest of days. https://www.amazon.ca/Ursas-Warriors-Tanis-Petry-ebook